datapitstop » Wabash County Government, Indiana » EMA - Homeland Security Dept »Help/FAQDirectory
Wabash County Government, Indiana
EMA - Homeland Security Dept
Keith A. Walters, Executive Director
1 W Hill St Ste LL02
Wabash, IN 46992
(260) 563-3181
8am to 4pm Mon - Fri - Closed all State Holidays
What is the CodeRED WEATHER ALERT?
CodeRED WEATHER ALERT is an optional feature of the CodeRED system. Residents MUST enter their phone information for landlines and Cell Phones into the system. In other words you must sign up for the service. You can sign up by going to the Wabash County Emergency Management website at or by calling the EMA office at 260-563-3181. Once signed up whenever a SEVERE TUNDERSTORM WARNING, TORNADO WARNING or FLASH FLOOD WARNING is issued by the National Weather Service for the area that includes your address, a phone call is made to all the phone numbers you have signed up for the warning service. The voice message will state: " A (Tornado Warning,(Severe Thunderstorm Warning), or (Flash Flood Warning) has been issued for your area, take action now to protect yourself. This is a service of the Emergency Communications Network call(and a toll free number will be given.)